Wednesday 2 May 2012


Well long time no talk! i have been away from the keyboard for what feels like a life time and i cannot apologise enough for my neglect towards you all. but im back and i have so so so much to tell you from what i have been doing the last few months with my life and the adventures i have been on.
It has been so busy and out of control but i have loved every second of it.

So i would just put it all on you now but i will give you a brief outline of what’s been going on and then go into more detail later :)

Firstly and most importantly i took a trip up to Sydney as i was invited by the wonderful show "The Voice" to audition for the first season. It was such an amazing experience. I met some wonderful people who have the same love and passion as i do so it was really humbling. but more about that later!

I also got a new job! (about time right?) and i love my job so much! i know that is weird for someone to say but i genuinely enjoy going to work. I work at a café down in my local town called "George's Gourmet" and its like a beautiful French style breakfast/brunch/lunch restaurant. I call it a restaurant only because it has that feeling but i like to refer to it as a cafe more so.

I would say they are the 2 major events i feel i needed to update you on for the moment but there is still so much i need to tell you which will all be revealed in time from boys to friends to drama to life to music to overseas adventures to the simple things that basically define my life.

 until tomorrow,

adios my dear friends.

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