Monday 16 January 2012

here comes the sun

hello my little lovers!
what an eventful week this one has been :)
i am now recovered fully from my sickness that had me under house arrest for the past 2 weeks and i will tell you this... god i missed seeing all of my friends!
dont get me wrong i do usualy prefer a good stay at home when i have the house to myself to just watch movies (after ive watched Ellen) and do nothing but relax!
but after a while you just want to see some people just so you know you are not going crazy or just to make sure you haven't lost your social skills.
Sooooo the picture above is of my good friend Gemma and myself who had a little shin dig for all of our little girl group consisting of  my best friend Gemma Jones, my other friends Gemma Rooney (pictured above), Jessica Cole and Mel Park.
it was so nice to chill out, listen to music and eat lots of food and just laugh and have a good time :)
but secretly we were all there for another reason...

Its my best friend Gemma's birthday on the 21st of Jan but Gemma Rooney cant make it to her actual birthday sooo we had a cute little early birthday surprise for Gemma with a feast of a dinner followed by a lovely birthday cake :) it was the best ending to a lovely day and it made us all smile to see her so happy :)

After all the candles were out and the wish was made it didn't take us long to demolish what was an AMAZINGLY GOOD CAKE! 

Happy Birthday Gemma and i hope you have the most amazing day on your actual birthday and cant wait to spend many more years celebrating birthdays with you!!



Sunday 8 January 2012

tell it how it is gramps.

There is always that one image thats sums up how you are feeling at the current time. For me it is this birthday card. God i love old people some times. SO DAMN KNOWLEDGEABLE!!!

So i guess you are probably thinking "what goats got your gruff?" right? i was right? well nothing to be honest i finally got my gym membership so im on the road to one new years resolution!! and i achieved everything i set out to do today but the reason i feel so crap is because of this sickness that i just can not shake. 

I have had it for like 5 days now and at first it started with weird temperature changes so i would be doing the old 'half in half out' bed trick but not that has gone it moved on to my head resulting is dizziness and the beautiful feeling of passing out along with and inflamed throat to boot. Now this was painful... i woke up feeling like someone had sandpapered my throat and then lightly sprinkled it with dust. it was the WORST. And now with that behind me i have a new symptom.. coughing all the time! its horrible and i want it gone!

And the thing that angers me most is that i have to cancel everything so i can just sit inside and mope around. i hate it i hate it i hate it.

i want to be in the sunshine and i want run in paddocks with the wild animals and i want to be going to 18ths that were on this weekend and i want to jam with Joey!! i have copped it from everyone! where are you! why are you ignoring me! are you dead? when is the funeral? should i bring flowers?

sooooo basicly i just feel like shit and want to get better so i can see everyone and not feel like such a desperate loner scrolling the internet for friends to only find out the only mutual friend who is willing to have a relationship does not exist resulting in me being forever im feeling kinda down right now.


The end.

Saturday 7 January 2012

gonna take you for a ride on a big jet plane.

alright so i might be a bit keen on the blogging side of things recently but i have some really cool/exciting/beyond awesome news! i was down at the travel agent today and it turns out im going on an overseas trip from June to July and i think we have now made up our mind of where we actually want to go..

One thing you should know about me is that i travel all the time. i have been very fortunate in my short life time to have traveled a decent extent of the world and lucky enough to go back to them as frequently as possible. I have always wanted to write down all the places i have been to but have never really had the time so im going to be brief and not go into to much detail about my wonderful adventures thus far :)

Places i have been:

-Sydney x 7
-Queensland x 1
-Northern Territory x1
-Western Australia (Born) x4
-Tasmania x1
-China- Beijing-Hong Kong x3
-Singapore x2
-England-London x5
- France (Boat across english channel) -Paris  x2
-Thailand-Bangkok-Phuket x2
-Vanuatu-Port Vila

Places i am going (this year)
- Malaysia
- England making that x6!
- Italy: Rome-Venice
- France x3
- United Arab Emirates- Abu Dhabi-Dubai

Places i want to go preferably before i die:
-America (NY mostly)
-Greece (Greek Islands? i think yes)
- Egypt
-Japan- Tokyo
- India

yes i know i have basicly written down every single place in the world but what can i say! i love to travel and if i could i would travel for the rest of my life!



Friday 6 January 2012

I love the beach this time of the year! so peaceful and quiet...if only that was true!
i have never seen a beach more packed in my life!
well it is just after new years so i wouldn't expect much different.
im down at Rye which is one of my favorite little places in the whole world :)
the water is calm and the boys are very attractive this time of year
so its a win win situation you could say :)


3 cheers for new years!

So this is what i woke up to after having a new years shin dig at my house...a nice line of bottles on the next door neighbours fence just out of reaching distance from myself.
This resulted in me having to:
A- Get the ladder like a normal sane person would with a brain or
B- Shake the fence hoping to catch them in a garbage bag

of course i would go with the natural instinct of B resulting in smashed glass everywhere
cheers 2012! i can just tell we are going to get along so well!


Sarah Anne

Morning, Afternoon, Night, Happy New year, Birthday, Hanukkah , Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Valentines day, Christmas and all other possible times of the day and celebrations that could be commencing as you read this blog.

Well this is something different for a change.
i never thought i would end up finishing my day with a warm coffee watching misfits and making a blog!
but its time for a change with the new year approaching so this is how it is.

This year im going to make a lot of things happen...
starting with getting fit and i know most people moan and say "yeah but thats what everyone else says" but now with this new born freedom of being out of year 12 i want to get the ball rolling and get healthy! not that im extremely obese to the point where i can hide my krispy kremes in my fat rolls, its just that i need to gain focus on what i want out of my life and i think getting fit will help some weird way.

Secondly i might as well tell you all my new years resolution...YES i have given up on the beautiful food that is cocoa or chocolate for a year so we will see how that pans out! fingers crossed i dont give in but im sure once i hit that gym it will be the last thing on my mind.

Thirdly i want to (by the end of the year) have all of my songs that i have written placed in a book and even recorded if i get the chance. My computer room is a mess with song lyrics sticking of the wall and on the ceiling!! its not a pretty site!
oh and thats something you should know about me...
i sing... all the time.
i sing and i write and then i sing then shower then eat then sing.
its kind of become my life now and to be honest i love it!
my goal if life would ever go my way would be to be a recording artist but i know it is not as easy as a phone call away but i will fill you in on that more later.
lets get to know each other a little better first!

so basicly long story short i have taken the time to make this blog and if people read it that is great and if they dont that is also great in a weird private yet public way.
For me this blog is going to be the one place were i am honest about everything! Not that i have anything to hide but i think its about time i made a blog other then tumblr that allows me to say anything i want when i want.

Ive finished my coffee so i guess that means i have said enough for today. So until the next time we meet my friend i bid you good day and all i can say is it has been an absolute pleasure

All my love xx